GSV becomes the official supplier for Piaggio VN from Apr’ 2011

GSV started supplying MF batteries 12V-7AH (Maintenance Free Battery) to Piaggio VN from Apr 2011. This contributes to promote GSV prestige on Vietnam market as well as international market, resulting in the addition of one more valuable OEM customer to the present long list of GSV’s OEM customers.

Note:  OEM - Original Equipped Market (motorbike or automobile manufacturer customers)

GSV becomes the battery supplier for almost all big OEM customers of Vietnam.  Since the beginning days after its establishment up to now, GSV always maintains its highest position to be the battery supplier for all famous OEM customers like Honda, Toyota, Yamaha, VMEP, Suzuki, Mitsubishi,…

On this opportunity to start supplying battery to Piaggio VN, GSV keeps a high expectation to bring to our Vietnamese consumers the satisfaction for superb quality of  7AH –MF battery assembled on Piaggio Vietnam elegant product lines.

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